How to Stay Focused as a Business Owner

Would you like to be more focused as business owner?

Before answering this, the big question is why do we lose focus? One of the biggest reasons why we can lose focus is that we never had clarity in the first place. We never had something that kept our attention long enough in our business to focus in on. And as Tony Robbins once said, ‘Clarity leads to power’.

When you are clear, you can focus.  And when you are clear on something that’s meaningful enough, the intensity of your focus will increase.  So let’s explore five things on how to stay focused as a business owner…

1) Set Clear Goals

The first one is to set clear goals.  Take the time to step back from your business and ask yourself:

  • Where am I trying to take my business?
  • Why am I trying to take it to this place?
  • How am I going to take it there?

Once you have answered these questions, get super clear on your goals. What are your key goals for the next five years or three years or the next 12 months? The key is to only have a few to focus on. That way, when you achieve them, it will mean a lot to you and your business. So set clear goals. 

2) Set a Plan

Goals are the destination; plans are the routes to get there. Once you’ve set your goals, formulate a detailed plan. This plan should outline the steps, strategies, and actions required for success. Consider it your playbook. With a well-structured plan, you eliminate the guesswork and have a direct route to follow. 

Here at Business Success Educators, we help clients make a 12-month game plan with quarterly milestones and a monthly plan which keeps them focused and aligned with their goals. 

3) Put a Value on the Tasks in Your Plan

When you set a plan, you’re going to have key things in your plan that you should be working on in order to achieve your goals.  We call this working ‘ON’ your business and is something every business owner should do.  Once you have a clear plan in place, you know what you should be working on. 

Now, to keep focused on these, the important next step is put a value on each of the tasks in your plan.  Assigning value to the components of your plan is like attaching price tags to items on your business journey. It’s easy to overlook tasks when they lack perceived value. Connect each task to a value—whether it’s contributing to your family’s future, supporting your community, or achieving a personal dream. This connection makes tasks more meaningful and motivates you to focus on what truly matters. 

4) Put the Important Things in Your Diary

When you have a clear understanding of what is important to you, your next step is to ensure these tasks are scheduled in your calendar. Interestingly, we excel at scheduling meetings with others. So, why not extend the same approach to schedule focused time for the business tasks that will help us achieve our goals?

That way, when other things come up in your business, and you’re tempted to be distracted with whatever those other things are, look at the value that you’ve placed against that task. When you can see how valuable it is, will you now be distracted? Will you lose focus? It is unlikely, that you’re going to lose focus, because that thing has value assigned to it, and it’s set aside in your diary.

Each of our clients set aside four to five hours every week to work on their business. It’s like a personal appointment they make with themselves, a time to tackle important tasks rather than just the pressing ones. They also set up an ‘Interruption Free Zone’ – a space free from distractions, so they can truly focus on their tasks. This approach paves the way for consistent progress towards their goals, each and every week.

5) Stay Focused by Asking the Question

Finally, and this is a critical step as our overall results are shaped by the individual decisions we make in each moment. In the whirlwind of business, numerous opportunities and distractions come your way. Before diverting your attention, ask yourself a pivotal question: 

Is what just came up more valuable than what I was supposed to be doing in my plan?

This simple question acts as a filter, helping you differentiate between tasks that support your goals and those that could lead you astray. If you can catch yourself in that moment and make that decision, then you bring yourself back to the most important thingsThese are the things that when focused on will  help you achieve your goals in your business. 

Overall, staying focused as a business owner is not a mere coincidence; it’s a strategic choice. By following these five steps—setting clear goals, creating a solid plan, assigning value, scheduling focused time, and asking the right questions—you can elevate your focus game.

Clarity will guide your actions, and each step you take will be aligned with your business’s ultimate vision.

So, whenever you find yourself straying, return to these steps to bring your focus back in line with your goals. Your journey toward clarity and success starts today.

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