How to Convert More Quotes With Effective Follow-Up

how to convert more quotes with

Do you do quotes for your business? Increasing the conversion rate of your quotes can be as simple as having an effective follow-up system. You’ve done the hard work in getting the enquiries you want. You have worked out a proposal, a quote, made some measurements or had further discussions. It only makes sense to […]

What Are You Grateful for In Your Business?

what are you grateful for in you

Usually in business, when problems arise and when things are not working out, you will tend focus on the negative things, the problems and what is not working. This can send your business into a vicious downward spiral. In that moment, you can often forget to look at what you have done right. You can […]

The Importance of Asking Better Questions In Your Business

1. Importance Of Asking Better Questions In Your Business

You might have heard the famous saying that “nothing is impossible“. When working towards your desired outcomes, it is always important not to take anything at face value. There is always a way around issues in every situation. Consider this situation: You have broken your foot a few weeks before a very important business conference […]

How To Make Your Quotes Stand Out

how to make your quotes stand ou 2

People tend to seek multiple quotes before they make a decision on who they are going to use, especially with higher-priced jobs and items. So, when you are giving your customers a quote, you should bear in mind that your quote is probably not the only quote they have received. And if your quote is […]

Where Are You Working Hard, Instead of Smart, In Your Business?

where are you working hard inste

Are there areas of your business where you are working harder instead of smarter? Working hard is one of the keys to success but only if you work hard on the right things. Here are four things for you to consider to help you work smarter in your business so you can really get ahead: […]

How You Can Move Your Business Forward by Learning the Lesson

2. How You Can Move Your Business Forward By Learning The Lesson

Have you ever been in the place where the same mistakes or situations keep happening in your business no matter how you attempt to solve it? These repetitive problems can frustrate you, and even your team. It can possibly frustrate your customers too. No matter where you are in your business, seeking the right advice […]

How To Effectively Follow-Up Your Customer Enquiries

how to effectively follow up you

How well are you following up with your customer enquiries? Are they followed-up in a timely and professional manner? How you do things in your business sets the tone and pace for your customers. The way you are responding to the enquiries from your existing and potential customers says a lot about your business. If […]

How To Effectively Conduct Staff Performance Reviews

How To Effectively Conduct Staff Performance Reviews

Are you frustrated that your staff members are not performing as well as they should? If so, when was the last time you actually conducted performance reviews of your staff? It is essential as a small business owner that you review your staff performance regularly and effectively to maintain productivity and efficiency in your business. […]

The Importance of Knowing Your Numbers in Your Business

2. The Importance Of Knowing Your Numbers In Your Business

Business is a numbers game. It is essential to know your numbers so that you can maintain focus and have visibility on what is going on in your business. So are your numbers up to date? If you know your numbers, you will know where you are at in your business. Your financial numbers are […]