How to Make Your Business More Efficient

How to Make Your Business More Efficient

Do you have a sense that parts of your business are inefficient? Quite often a lot of inefficiencies happen because you have no or poor systems.  Or there are bottlenecks happening in particular parts of your business. To address this, take the time to step back and look at the flow of what is happening […]

How to Motivate Your Staff and Get More Out of Them

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Do you ever feel that your staff are not performing at the level you would like? Would you like your staff to be more motivated, productive and treat your business as their own? Here are four keys that can help you motivate your staff and get more out of them… 1) Treat Your Staff as […]

How to Be in Control of Your Time and Your Diary

how to be in control of your tim

Would you like to be more in control of your time and your diary? Too often as a small business owner we face lots of different pressures on our time.  Pressure from customers…  Pressure from our staff… and so on. What ends up happening is you end up running around doing things for everyone else […]

How to Get a Consistent Flow of Leads in Your Business

how to get a consistent flow of

Would you like to get a more consistent flow of leads in your business? For many small business owners their flow of leads is up and down.  One week there’s lots of leads and they are flat out keeping up.  The next week there are not many leads and things are quiet.  So there ends […]

3 Bank Accounts Every Small Business Owner Should Have

3 bank accounts every small busi 1

Do you ever struggle to have enough money to pay your tax bill when it’s due? Would you like to have extra money to reinvest back into your business to help it to grow? For this to happen, you need to manage your money wisely. One simple and effective technique is to set up three […]

What To Do When You Get Stuck In Your Business

what to do when you get stuck in

Are you feeling stuck in a particular area of your business? When you get stuck in your business, you can get worried, you can get anxious, you can get frustrated and go, “how am I going to get out of this rut, how am I going to get out of this situation?”. Worrying about it […]

Get a Quick Cash Injection By Selling Your Excess Assets

1. Get A Quick Cash Injection By Selling Your Excess Assets

Does your business need a quick cash injection? Many small businesses are sitting on a gold mine of cash that is tied up in their business in different forms. Releasing this can often provide a much needed cash injection for a business. What excess assets does your business have In our experience, most businesses have […]

What To Do When You Feel Alone in Business

1. What To Do When You Feel Alone In Business

We speak to a lot of business owners and are often amazed at how often people in small business think they are all alone. And we understand that. Running your business can be a lonely place. Quite often as a small business owner you think ‘hey, the problems I am going through or the challenges […]

One Key Thing Successful Business Owners Do

1. One Key Thing Successful Business Owners Do

What separates an average business from a successful one? There are a number of things, but one that stands out is: successful business owners will work ‘ON’ their business. See, most small business owners are really good at their profession or trade, so they spend far too much time working ‘IN’ their business.  This is […]

Don’t Let Your Mind Take You Out

1. Don’t Let Your Mind Take You Out

Do you often worry about things that are about to happen in your business?  In some cases, you are your biggest enemy. Often things that happen in your mind can take you out because you’ve built up a story up about what’s about to happen rather than what actually happens. Let’s explore the notion of […]